April mimosa flights
This Month's Mimosa Flights are here! Dive into our Monthly Mimosa Flights every Saturday from 10am-2pm for $25
This month's flight includes 4 Mimosas
Blue Island Pina Colada-Champagne, Blue Curacao, Pina Colada and Sprite topped w/ a Orange
Pretty in Pear-Champagne, Prickly Pear, Pineapple and Sprite topped w/ a Rainbow Candy
Creamsicle Mimosa-Champagne, Vanilla Vodka and Orange Juice topped w/ a Easter Peep
Margarita Mimosa-Champagne, Triple Sec, Lime Juice and Margarita Mix topped w/ a Lime
THEMED BRUNCHES every Saturday morning!
Medical Staff BruNcH DEALS
2-4-1 Medical Staff Specials on Wells, Taps, Iceholes, Bloody Marys, Caesars & Mimosas
8am-11am Monday-Friday